Author Topic: Sony KV29X1U (BE3D Chassis)  (Read 7974 times)

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Sony KV29X1U (BE3D Chassis)
« on: May 25, 2016,11:00:06 »
Hi folks,

Chap struggled in with a mere 29 inch, and said 'Sound OK, and if you wait an hour or two you get a picture')

Shorted a RGB output collector to deck and noticed Field collapse. Remembered dry joints on the STV9379 FOP were the main problem, so first re-soldered then replaced it - Still no field.

Checked supply voltages - + and - 15v OK. Wonder if there's another common cause, as perusing the manual, the FOP output seems to go directly to the scan coils without a coupling cap.

Never had O/C field scan coils since the 60s, when Philips had them all the time, as think they incorporated a thermistor that went O/C, and as the coils were potted, no repair was possible.

Thanks for any thoughts - Chris.

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