Author Topic: Berlan B MIG 140 - MIG Welder.  (Read 5217 times)

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Berlan B MIG 140 - MIG Welder.
« on: June 05, 2017,11:52:33 »
Hi folks,

Have the control board where the mains transformer is seriously burned out. It's a small two winding PCB jobby - Maybe 10 watts at a push - Guess mains input but no idea of output.

Checked Web sites (mostly German) where other folks have had the problem but no one has any idea of output voltage, or even what it does, apart from the arc firing continuously when welder is plugged in. Panel has a couple of relays, possibly one to fire it up, and the other to run the wire feed motor maybe - Wonder if anyone has one kicking about ? - Thanks - Chris.

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