Author Topic: Automotive forum rules.  (Read 13300 times)

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Automotive forum rules.
« on: July 30, 2008,16:36:53 »
This forum is a community.  We are all here to help each other, however sadly a few people spoil it for eveybody else, so I have had to lay down a few simple rules.

1) We will gladly give simple advise in these forums for free.  However step by step instuctions on how to do a job, special dumps, instruction manuals, schematics etc will only be given to members with over 10 helpful posts.  Anybody asking for this with under 10 posts will have their post immediately deleted.

2) We will not give advise when asked in private.  Unless you have something to hide why would you ask by email or private message.  I recieve many requests every week in private and I will never answer them.  Any user who does this will be banned.

3) Just be fair and only ask for something would gladly give.

I hope that clears a few things up.

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