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Labgear HDSR300


tv tony:
Hello All, A customer brought this in, she had extended the LNB cable and then got "overload" on the screen. After visiting her found a loose strand across. Metered across the receiver and I have 25v on LNB socket irrespective of settings. Nothing obvious. Any ideas? Ta.

hi tony
sounds like the LNB supply transistor s/c damaged with the short would check that first
good luck

tv tony:
Thanks for that Astrocat, in my 50 years in the trade Iv'e rarely been so lucky. Suspect f\w, got a programmer but not another receiver to get it from. Hate binning stuff but it would have gone in the garage. But that's what we live in today, a throwaway world, ta, bye.

hi tony
always found problem with the lnb supply transistor before should be 18v or 12v for h/v transmissions altering for h/v
would still check it because you have over 20v


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