Author Topic: LG TV: image = No. sound = Yes  (Read 13068 times)

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Re: LG TV: image = No. sound = Yes
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2021,18:40:45 »

Those are the boards. The circled part is just a piece of fancy foam to prevent the board touching the metal strip. There are quite a few capacitors on each board, each soldered to the board at both ends. .These are the cap. terminals across which you need to measure. The gold spots are likely test points but I have no idea what they're used for. I see you have a digital meter so use ohms or the beep function. A reading below 100 ohms is suspect. If you find any, reverse the meter probes and recheck. It may read OK the other way. You'll likely find a matching cap on the other boards so you may compare reading. A totally shorted one would be a bonus as it will probably be your offender.

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