Author Topic: M&B KB-432706F  (Read 24099 times)

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M&B KB-432706F
« on: November 06, 2022,14:55:13 »
I have a M&B KB-432706F LED telly, the guy asked me to try and repait it out of sentimental values. He was honest enough tel tell me the story, he lived in a block of flats that was struck by lightening thats used a communal aerial. I told him it may prove expensive and would be wiser to buy a new TV since a lightening strik could be disasterous, he was willing to pay for  whatever he needed to attempt a fix.

The power supply board is a Vestel 15IPS12, I fitted a new one the set power powers up and goes into tuning mode.... but when doing a set-up I get a 'no stations found' message, so looking like the tuner may have been clobbered.

No visible damage can be seen on the main board, but the live side of the power board got clobbered with burn and scorch marks around the main input fuse are, with a hole in the switch-mode control chip.

Anyone knows what the main board is? I'm assuming the tuners is kaputt or simply wants new firmware.

Thanks Dave

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