Author Topic: VW Radio Locked, Need Help!!  (Read 7766 times)

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VW Radio Locked, Need Help!!
« on: October 30, 2008,12:36:31 »
 :music:I need to rock to music in my VW Cabrio. I purchased a used Cabrio (98 Mod) but it seem the original radio was replaced. I cannot unlock the radio and now VW is telling me the serial number of the radio do not match the vin of the car...... not much help there.
I'm not sure who made the radio but it does have the VW logo on it with a Model # PE9839W01 and the Serial # 3608948. Can anyone help?
I'm a Tech but I do not have the service manual for this radio, I want to know if the code is added data to a serial Eprom or CPU in this unit. Maybe I could obtain the info from its hex or bin info. Let me know, that's if you know!!
Tell the Governor of New York to flush ALJ Florence Monwe From the Child Protective system as she is VERY CORRUPT!

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