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Toshiba CZ32t31 Problem


A co-worker brought me a TV and said it was not working if I could open it up and take a look as to why. He told me he had to keep hitting it to make it work properly. Which told me something was loose inside. I powered it on to start and didn't see anything on the screen but untill I powered it off which told me the HV is good. Well pulled off back and started tapping some of the components lightly to see if things change and nothing. Pulled board out and did a visual inspection of all the soldering connections and found that 2 transistors Q830 and Q421 had bad solder joints and couple other minor things. So I put new solder joint and powered it back up.

Now what I get is a green horizontal line on the screen. As to further troubleshoot I checked a hidden fuse(F301) was blown. Well not having any 500ma fuses I put in a 250ma and that blew so then I tried a quick 1A fuse for quick power on then off. Well the 1A fuse blew. Now I am down to figuring why this fuse is blowing. Any help would be good. I have no service manual/schematics so I have no idea where to really start.  Thanks for any help.

Not sure what chassis is used in this tv but the fault will probably be a faulty frame ic.

Would the frame IC cause my fuse to constantly keep blowing?

If you have horizontal line on screen.
That mean no vertical drive (frame IC).
Check cables on scan coil on tube
When you pull out chassis probably you broke some of cables.

No all the cables looked fine, I checked them all and Ohmed them all out and they are showing just fine so it is not a broken cables.


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