Author Topic: Bmw 320d m47  (Read 9260 times)

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Bmw 320d m47
« on: June 04, 2008,08:38:23 »

I have a problem that's holding me busy for 2 months now. The ECU of my BMW 320D is defect because of water damage. I have bought 2 used but functioning ECU's at Ebay but with both the engine won't start. The crank (?) is activated but the diesel pump (bosch vp 44) is blocked.

After weeks of googling and reading forums i learned that the immobiliser is the reason of not starting. The key is read properly by the EWS module but the rolling code in the ECU is not correct.

I tried adepting the EWS into the ECU with Carsoft and BMW-Scanner but no luck. After that i learned that the ECU can store a rolling code just one time. So synchronising a used ECU with EWS is useless.

Because a new ECU from BMW is very expensive i still am looking for a solution to start my car. I came up with the idea to replace the memory of the old ECU to the new (used) ECU. The old ECU doen't funcion because of rusted capacitors and resistors. The IC's are all good so must be working.

I have no problem solder or desolder smd compents. I have been working in electronics repair for 15 years (tv, video, audio).

My question is: does anybody know in what part of the ECU (Bosch DDE 3.0) the rolling code is stored. I replaced the I2C memory 24C04 but with no luck.

Other question: is there a software tool that can erase the rolling code? In that way adepting must work again.

Hope somebody can help me. Forgive my possible bad english because i'm from Holland.


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