Author Topic: LG RZ-42PX11  (Read 4145 times)

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LG RZ-42PX11
« on: August 27, 2010,07:30:57 »
Hi All
Just a update on this set have now changed the control board on this set and it is now working well the picture is staying on that is! Now and again these grey lines do appear down each side of the screen but they come and go will check all caps in the power supply board this wk-end as sugested by Brian hopfully this will cure that problem. There are also some sparklies when first switched but these do start to fade down when set is warmed up. Have also noticed when set is first switched on the picture seems to pulsate a bit i:e more noticeable on whites flaring on and off this also calms down when set warms up hoping this is also arising from power supply board. (we will see)
Will keep you all posted.
Regards Ron-TV

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