Author Topic: Huston, my TV has a problem!  (Read 2818 times)

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Huston, my TV has a problem!
« on: June 20, 2007,06:54:19 »
Morning chaps and lasses...

I need some advise please. I have a 28" WS JMB 66W and to be honest it has served me very well, coming up-to the 5th year of trouble free viewing (who said JMB were crap) however an audio fault has started to creep in. Long story short, audio appears to fade in and out one minute its fine the next minute is faded out? 8 times out of 10 a simple switch off and on will restore the audio, this will last for anything up to an hour OR a few minutes OR if I'm unlucky a few seconds... Its driving me potty!!!!!!!!

NOW the funny bit, my local TV repair shop will fix the problem BUT I got the usual spill goes something like this "OH its a JMB, well sir the parts for these TV's are hard to obtain and rather expensive and its a pig of a job to repair any audio related problems with this brand... he goes on to say its gonna cost me £60 OR I could buy a refurb Sharp which looks identical to my JMB for £75??!!??

So my question if anyone knows, what is the base cost for the component needed and maybe a difficulty rating between 1-10, 10 being bloody difficult. I have basic electronics knowledge and know what NOT to touch in a tv..... I value my life :-)

Can anyone help?

Thanks Dusty

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