Author Topic: LG 42PC1D YSUS is sus please help a nooob  (Read 7342 times)

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LG 42PC1D YSUS is sus please help a nooob
« on: January 06, 2011,14:40:04 »
Hello one and all in forum land.
Have a bit of a problem with a mates telly. He bought it off ebay with a faulty power board and asked me to fit a new one. One sjs order later and the transplant compleate the problem was still there. What was happening was when you turn the TV on the stanby light would flash white and a relay would click and then the light would go back to red again. The screen did absolutly nothing. After scouring the treads I unplugged the YSUS board and tried to turn the tv back on and it worked. In as much as the TV came out of standby and stayed on. Obviously the screen is still blank. I have pulled the board out to look for anything obvious but can see anything and I have come to the end of my limited PCB faultfinding knowlage. The YSUS board is a 6871QYH053B. Now befor I go and splash out £100+ on a new YSUS board on his behalf (Unless anyone can recomend anyware to get a cheaper one) Is there anything I can do to prove that the board is definatly faulty. My mate is a little concerned to splash out on a board and find its somthing else. My test equipment is limited to a Multimeter and a naked eye (stop laughing at the back). I am an electrican by trade and have limited experiance with component level fault tracking so any help would be gratefully accepted.
Many Thanks

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