Author Topic: philips 50pf9631d/10  (Read 5751 times)

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philips 50pf9631d/10
« on: February 01, 2011,15:40:16 »
can anyone help ihave the above tv with powerboard lj44-00125a when you turn on the tv it has the relays click as if to come on but gose strate to standby with the red led blinking 7 times now have read on a few forums about changing the 2 capacitors c8059 and c8060 3300uf/10v but the caps on this board are diffrent so can any 1 help me out thank guys IS THERE NO 1 AT ALL ON THE NET WHO HAS REPAIRED 1 OF THESE BOARDS :sign0085:
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011,19:15:57 by snopy44 »

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