My th-50phw3 shuted down sometimes automatically when I was watching TV during past 2 months. but now it can't be turned on.
Problem: It goes to green light, fans work and system sound likes power turn on around 2 secs after switch on the power. Red is light and system sound likes power cut off then turns red blinking 2-3 times a few seconds later.
I've founded the service manual for th-50phw3 GPH3D, it shows the self test on page 29 and troubleshooting guide on page 30.
service manual: troubleshooting guide (half page): I've followed the self check and troubleshooting guide. However, I get stuck in self check and the part of "removing P7 board" in troubleshooting, I've no ideas how to find out which board is defective.
self check: It goes to green light and fans work around 2 secs after swith on the power. Then red light is on but no blinking (like standby mode). However, it goes red light blinking 2-3 times after I turn on the power by using remote control.
Does anyone can tell why can't go to the self check and it looks like go to the standby mode?

Remove p6: It goes something difference. red light blinking a bit longer (3-4 times) and no fan and system turn on after remove P6 board.
Does anyone can tell what's happen and why the blinking is longer?

It looks funny and strange becuase the result of self check and result of removing p6 are never mentioned in the service manual.
Inserted back P6 and Remove p7 (assuming P6 works fine): result same as the result at the beginning:
It goes to green light, fans work and system sound likes power turn on around 2 secs after swith on the power. Red is light and system sound likes power cut off then turns red blinking 2-3 times a few seconds later.
Remove p6 & p7: Same as Remove P6
Please help and thanks a lot!
- Tim