Author Topic: oscilloscope for free  (Read 5029 times)

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oscilloscope for free
« on: July 04, 2012,08:11:02 »
Hi guys, I've been given a Gould Advance 15Mhz oscilloscope OS 255 and i was wondering if any of you, within travelling distance, would like it.
I've powered it up and it appears to be working, but it only came with a power lead and nothing else, i've found a manual for the OS 250 model and does appear to be very similar except the 250 is rated at 10Mhz.
As i've said i mainly fix pcs so can't see me getting much use of this, i'm situated in Blackwood, Gwent np12 1lx area, so if you live near enough you're welcome to pick it up.
Please don't ask me to post this its a little bulky and would probably cost too much.
Please PM me with any requests, i'll keep it for a few days and then it'll get recycled.

Regards Dale.

PS i'll put the manual on disc for those that need it.
Live long and prosper!

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