Author Topic: wharfedale l32ta6a got power but nothing else  (Read 5276 times)

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wharfedale l32ta6a got power but nothing else
« on: January 19, 2013,15:24:52 »
i have a 32" wharfedale lcd tv when i got it the only thing it would do is let the standby light flash alternate blue/red and that was it i can now turn it on or off with the remote after changing all the caps the problem is that when it starts the led flashes theback light starts up then after 3or4 seconds shuts down then the power led turns blue and as i said can be turned off by the remote has anybody got any more ideas i know it has a psm210-417a-r power supply i know these are dodgy at the best of times as i said i have changed the caps on the power supply and 3 on the av board which just looked dodgy is it possible that something simple is stopping this tv starting  i cannot find the service manual as i cannot find out who actually made the tv and wharfedale well lets leave that there any help would be gratefully received it may also sound daft but a point in the right direction maybe please a couple of pics in the right area thanks

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