Author Topic: Return to Trade 2.  (Read 6640 times)

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Return to Trade 2.
« on: September 14, 2013,16:28:12 »
Well let's hope this time goes better than the last, Firstly thanks guys for all the friendly help & advice last time I tried to return to the trade it was much appreciated. Can't believe it's been over a year again. Just after my last post on the Forum I knocked my arm on a concrete gate post, this was the arm that originally put me out of work the 1st time. It was only a slight knock as I thought, but turns out no it did some damage. It's kept me out of work mostly until now & even off the PC. I'm still not supposed to be back, but can't keep sitting on my butt doing nothing so for better or worse I'm back.

May the Avo never die.

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