Author Topic: Ebac Z650E Dehumidifier.  (Read 4597 times)

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Ebac Z650E Dehumidifier.
« on: March 05, 2014,11:56:06 »
Hi folks,

Thought mention, had one in for no go. Gather there's a known problem where the control board is suspect, and costs some £80.00 for a replacement.

Discovered resistor (20R) feeding mains supply to TNY253G chip had popped so fitted a TNY254P (much the same but not S/M) and a replacement fusible resistor. There was also a 2/400 reserviour cap replaced that looked a bit suspect nearby.

Up and dehumidifying - well, at least at the present.

Well, it's anything else, and I still need earn the pound - Chris.

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