Author Topic: Morphy Richards bread maker - 48280  (Read 4626 times)

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Morphy Richards bread maker - 48280
« on: April 16, 2014,11:38:04 »
Hi folks, love bread.

Had this one in today, and as it's a pain to get apart, thought to mention how to try sort it.

Morphy Richards Bread Maker 48280

Paddle doesn’t move, just groans – Found this on the web –

Firstly, remove the 5 screws underneath the unit which hold the base on.  Then, inside the heater chamber, remove the top screw which holds the element to the white insulator. Then remove the 8 screws around the bottom of the heater chamber. Prise the base from the main body which can now be lifted up. Spring the plastic clips on the bottom panels to lift the top off. To detach completely, you will need to disconnect the display panel cable from the circuit board.

Problem was the drive motor which was seized due to gummy sleeve bearings – cleaned and lubricated.

Fresh bread is now us - Chris.

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