Author Topic: Panasonic NN-CT890S Microwave error codes  (Read 6337 times)

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Panasonic NN-CT890S Microwave error codes
« on: October 13, 2014,13:27:14 »
Hi Folks,

Mention as good Quuq advice doesn't include this model.

Lots of good advice, but nothing listed works on this one.

Suspect a microwave with a trannie still the biz - Cheap too, and without error codes, as don't need 'em,

Just change the duff bits - they're obvious - done it for years - no probs.

Suspect should get up to date - would do if Panasonic gave any info - Natch, they don't, poss for heath and safety considerations - Bit Sad as have a pound or two currently invested in the outcome, as one does  - Chris.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2014,13:38:23 by Turnip »

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