Author Topic: Dyson DC34 - portable Vac - no go.  (Read 4373 times)

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Dyson DC34 - portable Vac - no go.
« on: November 11, 2014,12:04:19 »
Hello folks,

Had one in today, where on pressing the go button, the Green Led would flash and the motor just twitch. Thought duff Lithium battery, so checked it with a decent load, and battery wasn't duff.

On to YouTube, where seems three ancillary battery connectors (as it's Lithium and liable to explode) were regarded suspect and needed a clean-up - did that - still no go.

Another chap on the Tube suggested dodgy soldering to the three feedback connectors were suspect.

Motor plastic backplate moulding seems secured by a single screw, but after removing, suspect it's glued on, as couldn't remove it without causing considerable damage - So didn't bother.

Seems very Dyson - Technology 'Triffic - construction - Total Crap - Chris.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014,12:25:52 by Turnip »

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