Author Topic: Yahama Guitar Jobby.  (Read 4782 times)

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Yahama Guitar Jobby.
« on: January 12, 2015,13:09:29 »
Hi Folks,

Only mention as no-one has reported anything for several days.

Had one in today where the only output was a loud buzz on the amplifier supplied.

Checked the jack socket and all appeared well so de-strung it and got into the works, where there was no problem apart from loose volume and tone controls that I sorted from behind as couldn't get the knobs off.

Discovered on a later look that the input jack earth connection was steel, and the only connection was from pure rust that didn't conduct so much, but looked good on first inspection.

Luckily didn't have to retune, as chap can play it - well, a bit - Chris.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015,13:11:31 by Turnip »

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