Author Topic: Sharp XL-MP40H - CD doesn't go.  (Read 6351 times)

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Sharp XL-MP40H - CD doesn't go.
« on: July 11, 2015,12:26:40 »
Hi folks,

Have one in where display states 'no cd' before it's had time to check. Took it apart and both motors are OK as is the laser.

Have service manual, checking why supply voltage to the motors drive chip is negligible, reading VC at 0.4v instead of 7.5v. Shematic comes in bits that don't seem to match up - Not helpful

Just wonder if anyone has had the problem, as most faults aren't one off's ? - Thanks - Chris.

Later - Found C674(100/16) S/C - attach diagram.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015,06:54:12 by Turnip »

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