Author Topic: Firing up oil central heating boiler - FLC10-200H  (Read 5293 times)

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Firing up oil central heating boiler - FLC10-200H
« on: October 23, 2015,10:46:14 »
Hi folks,

Have found that since oil central heating boilers stopped using hefty mains transformers to provide the starting sparks, solid state encapsulated replacements tend to expire quickly and replacements are either horribly expensive or, more usually, unobtainable at any price.

Was checking today on the Flea and noticed pulse transformers to the purpose about for 2 quid plus post. Only problem is that the IC FLC10-200H is obtainable only by the thousand from Mouser and other folks.

Thought maybe knock up something discrete then pot it for safety unless someone knows a source of just one or two - Think a PDF to stir interest - Chris.

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