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Sony KDL-32EX703 - No signals.

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Thanks Bruce,

Had a look around and seems it's an AZ2EK-P-2PF chassis where the manual attached doesn't give anything away, but gather the SSB is either 1-857-896-71 or even WS0016301.

Discovered with a Russian site and Electrotanya who gives both SSB options with the same screen.

Flea doesn't list 1-857-896-71 and WS0016301 is awful expensive at £125 a pop from 'The land of the free' - Hear oil drums rolling - Chris.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the manual. I perceive it doesn't give much away, especially in the way of schematics. How the mighty have fallen.

125 quid roughly equates to 250 AUD, which seems about the going rate. I hear those oil drums too. - Bruce


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