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General => General Forum => Topic started by: Turnip on May 18, 2011,12:48:31

Title: Honey extractor - well, it's general forum.
Post by: Turnip on May 18, 2011,12:48:31
Hi folks,

Have a honey extractor that uses heat to melt beeswax for oilseed rape locations. We in East Anglia are choking for weeks while yellow petrol additives are being grown hereabouts.

Gives trouble to bee keepers as well - wax is so hard you cannot spin out the honey at normal temperatures so need to heat the wax.

Customer brought in a device using a kettle element to heat the wax-warming water - discovered kettle type element had a resistance of 9 Ohms requiring some 26 Amps.

Plugged it in and Norfolk went out -

American, of course - they didn't say - hate honey - anyone with an old fashioned element - Ebay hasn't - went to Tesco but their £4.99 cheapy kettle had a different plug -  Chris