Mulja tv repair portal
Equipment Repairs => PLASMA TV forum => Topic started by: old tvman on January 05, 2011,13:10:26
Hello all, I replaced the av board on one of these and i need to change the options.Pressing 052596menu on the remote lets me see the option numbers but I cant alter them.Can anyone help :c017:
costas all the best .
you allways help to all.........
it seems that you enter the SDM not the SAM;so try 062596i+ to enter the service mode ;now you can change the options.
Thanks for your help guys,I have now managed to alter the options but that has'nt cured the problem which is too much width and the picture is phase shifted.I think I may have to alter the model number does anyone know how to do this? :sign0085:
Sadly your option codes wont change the width etc,you will need a compare to re-set ssb ,i would if you can get a s/h replacement main board.