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Equipment Repairs => PLASMA TV forum => Topic started by: old tvman on January 05, 2011,13:10:26

Title: philips 42pf5532d how do i change the options?
Post by: old tvman on January 05, 2011,13:10:26
Hello all, I replaced the av board on one of these and i need to change the options.Pressing 052596menu on the remote lets me see the option numbers but I cant alter them.Can anyone help  :c017:
Title: Re: philips 42pf5532d how do i change the options?
Post by: WILLYAM1 on January 06, 2011,14:32:29
costas all the best .
you allways help to all.........
Title: Re: philips 42pf5532d how do i change the options?
Post by: michael first on January 07, 2011,16:55:52
it seems that you enter the SDM not the SAM;so try 062596i+ to enter the service mode ;now you can change the options.
Title: Re: philips 42pf5532d how do i change the options?
Post by: old tvman on January 10, 2011,11:55:35
Thanks for your help guys,I have now managed to alter the options but that has'nt cured the problem which is too much width and the picture is phase shifted.I think I may have to alter the model number does anyone know how to do this? :sign0085:
Title: Re: philips 42pf5532d how do i change the options?
Post by: TellyFun on April 07, 2011,21:18:57
Sadly your option codes wont change the width etc,you will need a compare to re-set ssb ,i would if you can get a s/h replacement main board.