Author Topic: JVC LED TV backlight problem, Power board and LED ok! Please help!  (Read 36388 times)

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My 40 inch JVC LED TV works fine, has sound, but it has no backlight. I have tested the power board and the backlight, they seems to be okay. When, I remove the ribbon cable that goes from the Main board to the T-con board (backlight turns up), and then put it back again, the backlight comes back and TV works for a few days (4-7 days). After a few days, again the backlight goes dark, but the TV works and I can hear the sound and see they picture by flashing a light.

So, I am not sure, if it is a faulty, Ribbon cable, Main board or the T-con board? Because, removing and re-attaching the ribbon cable seems to solve the backlight issue for at least a few days, apart from the backlight, everything seems to work just fine. Please help!

Many thanks

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