can someone who has more experience with this LG PLASMA to help me to judge which module is defect.
The TV can with remote commander switched on and of . When is on the front led diode is green . All voltage on power board are present exact as is written on board (VS,VA,+5V,16.5V and 12V). All fuses on Y board and Z board are OK but Y board is cold. That’s mean that is not working. I have resold the both transformer in Y board. Y board is with transistors
In the control panel board there are 4 SMD led diode only is shining D103 (Z-ER ON). In this board +5V and +3.3V are present
The customer told me that a month ago was a power break for a second after that he lose HDMI inputs in MENU of TV. He was watching his TV further a month and in one moment screen was black but sound was present
My question is which board is defect Y or PANEL CONTROL board ? Main board is definitely defect because he has no HDMI inputs.
Service manual I have but it is so poor that you can’t it use.
I need advise from a LG expert to help me in judgment which board must I order except main board
Many thanks in advance for help