Author Topic: Philips 42PF5320/10 black horizontal line and image noises  (Read 4746 times)

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Philips 42PF5320/10 black horizontal line and image noises
« on: November 16, 2010,09:14:40 »
my original problem on Philips 42PF5320/10 was: black screen with audio.

I've changed Y, Z anc control board on Philips 42PF5320/10.

Screen is now ok but I see a black horizontal line at the center of the screen.

Another problem is: between dark and bright areas of the image I see white flashing dots (noise).
This problem disappear if I switch source (tv decoder) between PAL and NTSC mode (the TV resets the screen mode and image becomes regular, without noises.

If I use DVI input, the image is perfect.

Could you please help me?

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