Author Topic: Samsung Plasma PS50Q79HD keeps blowing Y scan buffer (ydrive) boards  (Read 6052 times)

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I have a Samsung PS50Q97HD plasma TV that keeps blowing new boards and I don't know why. It came to me with a faulty YSUS that had damaged the VS supply section in the PSU board. I fixed the PSU and fuse and have good VS voltage now. I replaced the YSUS main. I powerd the TV and the upper YDRIVE (Yscan buffer) board chips went pop. I put this down to it getting damaged unseen when the YSUS went faulty. I replaced the YDRIVE upper with new and then the lower board went faulty too (holes blew in the tops of the scan buffer chips). I replaced the lower board, now getting worried about how much this was costing me (260 pounds sterling so far!!). Powered the TV and the new upper board went pop again! I'm at a loss. Should I have adjusted the potentiometers on the new YSUS. Can a faulty ZSUS blow the YDRIVE boards? Can the panel be faulty with an internal short and blow YDRIVE boards? Any help would be very much appreciated.

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