Forum > Immobilisers

Renault immobiliser bypassing code

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Your file should be 1024 bytes but there is one line of data too much.  I deleted this line of data and made immo off for you but you must check 100% that you read the chip correctly BEFORE you use my dump or else the original dump will be lost for ever.

Check your PM for rar pass.  I password protected it for security from car theifs and people wanting to sell the dump on ebay!  AQny good members who want the password just ask me.

Just thru door trying
I programm eeprom with your dump and car not start it all
After i put your dump immo light on the dash not light it all
it`s should be like that?

i write and read verify and every thing in the chip looks ok
programmer work ok

Not have a chance today to try put back original dump

Tell you from start what happen on that car was broke belt and man continued driving to get to home and battery go flat
next morning he charge battery and car not start some time for 2,3 sek
flashing immo on the dash.

Brobably fault somewhere else???????????

any ideas????????

I found in internet

may be i need buy that

After decoding of Renault injection computer using our RENAULT RESET TOOL or by entering security code, in most cases you
can start engine, but some of injection computers can not operate without immobiliser code stored in their memory. Diesel
EDC15C3, DCU3R and MSA15, petrol SIRIUS32 (except these for 1.4L engine) and FENIX5 for 2.0L 16V engine require working
unlocked (with good key) immobiliser unit or our Renault immobiliser emulator. Include connection manual.

Probably you can supply me with it
i can buy of you

if it`s help me

I suspect it will not help you.  It sounds like you have a problem other than immobiliser.  The emulator you mention is not as good as the emulator I supply.  The emulator on the cmd site will only work on a new or virginised ECU.  The emulator I supply will work on any ECU but must be coded to the ECU...

...but no emulator will work on your ECU as they are all K-line based where as your ECU is CAN based.  I think that nobody makes a CAN emulator yet.

The dump I sent you should work, and if the immo light is not flashing then I think it has worked.  I think maybe the ECU is faulty.  If it since the battery was charged then you must check your voltage regulators, transistors and drivers.


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