Forum > Immobilisers

Renault immobiliser bypassing code

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2 links to try

the 4 digit code may be printed on a card in your owners handbook pack.
or most garages may be able to turn off the immobiliser in the diagnostic software.

The number of the key is printed on a piece of card and placed inside the key.  Almost always it falls out and cannot be found.  Also sometimes it is printed on the plastic case.  It will never be written in the service book or owners hand book.

Remember this calc only works 100% for cars up to 1997 and may do cars up to 2000.  After 2000 the pin code uses letters and numbers so Trantir will not work, also you need diagnostic tools to enter the pin code.

If you open the ECU and read the Fairchild 24c02 and post the dump I will make it immo off for you.  You must use hot air to desolder the 24c02 as it is glued to the board.  Then you can program my modified dump in to a new 24c02 and lift pin 7(WP) and pull high ( you can connect to pin 8 - vcc).  This is because pin 7 on the original fairchild I2C is pulled low internally so you cannot write protect it and if you do not write protect it then it will upload the original dump from the processor.  When you have done this you must cut 3 wires from the ECU.

Send me the dump and Bosch ECU number 0 281 *** *** also how many plugs the ECU has.

No garage can turn the immobiliser off with diagnostic software - it just is not possible, can only be done by I2C in the ECU.

...Or post me the ECU and I will do it for you.

If you prefer the immobiliser emulator from ebay that Tmg suggests then I can supply it for £65 inc carriage and no VAT to pay.

I got ECU in my hand

0 281 001 934

And i can`t find eeprom 24c02 on board probably it`s have diferent marking on.Beside what chip he stand.

Here i post some pictures:


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