Author Topic: Kenwood KM265 - Food mixer  (Read 10560 times)

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Kenwood KM265 - Food mixer
« on: March 18, 2014,10:56:36 »
Hi folks,

As it's 'General' - thought mention this one, where cust said that on/off switch was a bit supect and probably needed a squirt of switch cleaner.

Removing the top - several ball bearings fell out giving me a sinking feeling. Noticed there were several micro-switches needing shorting out before machine might go.

Bearings are readily available - Top and bottom.

Sometimes motor started, but mostly relay on control panel just went 'click' and now't happened.

Noticed identical relays on Fleabay at £4.00 for ten. Fitted one, and it went 'click' - Nothing more.

Gather control panel is suspect and available at some 47 Quid. Older Kenwood machines just had a couple of German X rated caps that burst into flame, and a speed control that reminded me of a 'wind-up' gramophone.

Guess it's progress - Chris.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014,13:03:28 by Turnip »

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