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Sony KDL-32EX703 - No signals.

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Hi Bruce,

Original RCU doesn't seem to have a dedicated 'Display/Info' button, nearest seems to be
(I+) with a green ? mark at the side, that I assumed to be 'Display'

Doesn't do the job though.

Thought check out Ebay for a piccy but can find no original RM-ED035 RCU, and replacements don't seem to have a 'Display' button mentioned in both the user guide and manual.

Vestel for me, as Vestel RCUs are mostly all the same, even original manufacturer's dedicated RCU codes seem to change to Philips RC5 code in a trice.

Can't be bad, simplicity is us- Chris.

michael first:
Hi Chris,

that's wright, the 'i+' button works as 'display';the trick is to repeat the sequence until the service menu is displayed;so you

have to put again the tv in 'stand-by' then 'i+'  '5' 'vol+' 'stand-by' and so  on .it's a little bit upsetting, but at the end the

tv turns on in'servce mode'.


Another way to execute a factory reset:

Press and hold the ^ arrow on the remote and the power button on the TV control panel....while the TV is ON.

It will shut down and restart in the installation mode....this may take a few minutes.


Hi Bruce and Mike,

Tried that (as mentioned before) but now't happened. Cust has now collected the set but expect it back shortly as Sony SSBs are becoming a bit of a problem.

Would have sorted a replacement on Ebay but they didn't have any for some reason.

Mention as have another Sony SSB issue where can't suss the panel as Sony printed nothing on it to give a clue, and all printed board tickets seem to mean nothing at all.

Think attach - Screen ticket – 6572VZ1F0112302C46BW03

Board ticket – 5562V01F11G11521820J02D

Means nothing to me or Ebay - Chris.


Alas, the cryptic Sony part number raises its ugly head again. Guess if you can't get it into service mode, the Balancer (Main/SSB) board must be r/s.



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